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💬 Translations

We want to make Homarr accessible for everyone. But to do that, we need your help. We are running a community program that enables everyone to translate Homarr into their language – no programming required. We are using Crowdin to manage our translations. You can find the translations here.

How to translate

Go to the Crowdin translations and select a language you want to translate. You can then enter the translation mode and start translating. After you've submitted your translations, a Proofreader will review your changes. After a translation has been approved, it will be merged to the language development branch. We merge this one periodically to the development branch. After the next update of Homarr, all changes from the development branch will be merged, including the changes in the translations.


Do you want to become a proofreader? Let us know on our Discord! We will add you to the proofreader team. You can then review the translations and approve them. Note: You must speak the language fluently, have it as your native language or lots of experience with it.


  1. Translate with context: Some translations can't be translated 1:1 - they need contex. Ensure that your translations make sense in the context.
  2. Keep things simple and original - no additional characters are needed.
  3. Don't translate the same thing twice - if you see a translation that is already translated, don't translate it again unless you have a better translation.
  4. Keep your translations as close to the original as possible.